I confirm that my parents/guardian are/is cognizant that I have entered a boat into a DBSC sailing series and have their express permission to do so.
- I/we accept the Club regulations and agree to sail according to the Sailing Instructions.
- My/our boat is adequately covered by third-party insurance for DBSC races. (Minimum €3 Million)
- I/We will comply with the Class Safely Equipment rules to be established by the class.
- My/our boat will be available for inspection by the Class Safety Officer.
- Competitors sail entirely at their own risk. Dublin Bay Sailing Club Ltd. its race officers, committee and organisers shall not be liable in the event of any claim for accident or mishap.
- If my/our boat experiences damage or rig failure, early or late in the series, which prevents me/us from continuing the racing series, DBSC is not required to grant a refund of boat entry fee. Refund of Membership fees, under Memorandum and Articles of the Club, is not permitted.
- It is the sole responsibility of each helmsman/owner to decide whether to sail or not in every case.
I /we acknowledge that the Dublin Bay Sailing Club accepts no responsibility for my/our safety while sailing at a Dublin Bay Sailing Club organised event/series at any time or for injury or damage which I/we may cause, directly or indirectly to any other person or property while participation in sailing with the Club at any time and I/WE HEREBY INDEMNIFY the Club, in respect of all claims and demands of whatsoever nature which may be made on the Club servants or agents, in connection with or arising out of my/our participation in the Sailing series or any event connected therewith or sailing with Dublin Bay Sailing Club.
Code for cadet/youth sailor
In your sport you should
Be treated fairly by everyone adults and other sailors
Feel safe and secure taking part in a DBSC event
Be listened to and allowed to reply
Be treated with dignity and respect
Have a voice in the decisions that affect you within the club
Say no to something that makes you feel uncomfortable
Train or compete at a level that is suitable for your age, development and ability
Know that any details that are about you are treated with confidentiality but if you are at risk of harm or we are worried about your safety we may need to pass this on
Know who to go to if you feel unsafe
Your responsibilities are to
Treat all sailing personnel, race officers, volunteers, safety personnel with respect
Respect other sailors
Be part of your team, (on board or on the water around you) respect and support other team members both when they do well and when things go wrong
Listen to and respect decisions made by others
Behave in a manner that is respectful towards your organisation and club
Never use bad language, do not shout or argue with race officials or personnel
Talk to your Club Youth Officer if you have any difficulties, do not understand something or if you think someone has caused you to be upset or angry.
Code for Race officials, race management, volunteers
Recognise and ensure the welfare of a young (16 to 18 years) sailor by:
Not exposing a young person/sailor to criticism, hostility or sarcasm
Never swearing at, shouting or arguing with a young person/sailor
Working in an open environment
Keep a brief record of any incident or injury involving a youth sailor